The Power of Giving

Following the line of Google's everything-online-is-free jargon, youtube . com just gives away everything to the end-user that is you and me. (blogspot) which gives its users almost full control of its content, feedburner . com which is so innovative and beginner friendly and the easy-to-use and innovativeness of are among other free online services that stand out among the rest; both for their innovation and generosity. It's in line with the old adage that "the more you give (material or non-material thing), the more you get (heart, mind and respect)." And in business term, more profit.
It's with the same reason why Chinese Indonesian are generally more successful in their business than the so-called pribumi (literally, the sons of the soil. Term being used by Suharto's regime to divide people on ethnic base).
If you want to buy something, say a laptop, you'd check out some laptop shops to compare prices and look at the most "negotiable" ones. Almost certain, you'd end up in a shop owned by ethnic Chinese not only will you get the better price, you'd also get a relatively more professional treatment. While the pribumi wants a bigger short term profit, ethnic Chinese tends to take a long term plan--to win heart, mind and loyalty of consumers--as more significant. And that will lead to a long term consequences as well, for the worse and for the better respectively.
In day-to-day life, one who is more generous and "giving", materially or emotially will get more respect and fondness from others. Despite his intellectual shortcoming, President George W. Bush is known for his emotional generosity. No less than Hillary Clinton who testified in a media recently that he's very charming and loveable. A charming, loveable and charismatic personality is usually closely related to a person who's generous. Generosity also means the readiness to budge, to appreciate, not to be critical to others on personal matters and being self-critical instead. Sometimes this kind of generosity is playing more important role in building up our credibility as a person as well as a leader.
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